Friday, November 21, 2008

Some Info?

Name: Wong Yee Jun

ID: 1051100629

Title: Virtual Museum

The virtual museum is mainly focus on the Wanli Shipwreck and its ceramic cargos. It combines the characteristic of both the museum and gallery. As a museum, it tells the history and information about the maritime trade, ship, porcelains and so on. As a gallery, it provides larger circular space, while each and every one of the exhibits is treated as a piece of art. Besides being displaced in a clean and huge hall, some of the porcelains are submerged in the water, where the users get into underwater scene and discover the shipwreck ceramics which are yet to be recovered.

Museum, underwater, porcelains

To give the users a different experience which they could not get from visiting to an ordinary museum.

- The design of the museum
- The exhibits (porcelains)

Experience Goal:
- Helpful
- Satisfying
- Memorable

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